Sleep Surgery:
→ Nasal Surgery
→ Palate & Pharyngeal Surgery
→ Tongue Base Surgery
→ Upper Airway Stimulation
→ Lower Airway Surgery
→ Maxillofacial Surgery
Nasal Surgery for Sleep Apnea and Snoring
A clear, open nasal passage is critically important to getting a good night’s sleep. We’ve all had colds in the past and can remember how difficult it is to sleep with nasal congestion. Dr. Phillips focuses on improvement in nasal breathing in every patient he sees with sleep-related problems. In people with snoring, relief of nasal obstruction can reduce or even cure the problem. The severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can be reduced with resolution of nasal obstruction, and helps others with OSA better tolerate positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP).
Non-Surgical Therapies for Nasal Obstruction
There are many therapies available for people with nasal obstruction, including simple, non-surgical options. These include nasal steroid sprays, which reduce nasal congestion and swelling, Breathe Right ® strips, nasal dilators, Provent ® therapy, and elevation of the head of bed. Many patients with snoring or sleep apnea have benefited from one or more of these therapies.
Nasal Surgery Procedures
Nasal surgery is designed to relieve obstruction in the nose when medical and/or conservative therapies fail to resolve the problem.
Nasal Surgery for Deviated Septum
- The nasal septum is the thin piece of cartilage that divides the right and left nasal passages. This is commonly deviated in patients with snoring and sleep apnea, and can be corrected with a short, minimally invasive surgery.
Inferior Turbinate Surgery
- The inferior turbinates are teardrop-shaped tissues that are just inside the nose on both sides, which serve to help circulate and humidify inspired nasal air. However, in patients with nasal allergies and congestion, these are often enlarged. A simple procedure, which can even be performed in the clinic, can effectively reduce the size of these structures, leading to much improved nasal breathing.
Nasal Valve Surgery
- The outside of your nose is made partly of cartilage that helps to support and give shape to the nose. In some people the sides of the nose can collapse when breathing in, which leads to obstruction. This can be corrected in a minimally invasive manner. Dr. Phillips has expertise in a wide variety of methods to improve nasal valve collapse, using tiny absorbable and non-absorbable implants and nasal reconstruction.
Chronic Sinusitis Surgery & Nasal Polyp Surgery
- Sometimes, chronic sinus disease and nasal polyps can lead to problems with nasal obstruction. Dr. Phillips offers minimally invasive endoscopic sinus surgery options for treatment of these conditions.